torsdag 13 september 2007


Humoreleganten Paul F. Tompkins har börjat spilla bönorna om hur det var att filma There Will Be Blood, Paul Thomas Andersons kommande film (som ju Radioheads Jonny Greenwood ska göra musiken till, och som det för övrigt finns en ny trailer för här). Såhär sa PFT nyligen om den notoriska metodaren Daniel Day-Lewis, som spelar huvudrollen i filmen:

He was sort of half-in [character], half out. It was somewhat intimidating to be around, because I think referring to myself as an "actor" is being generous, so seeing somebody really into it like that made me feel like I was going to be yelled at for my performance. But then I had the realization that I'm not expected to be as good as him, so I really stopped making an effort. Whew! He did not try to stab me. [...] There was not much improv. Vince Vaughn is not in this movie.

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